Mindful Works for Leaders – Let's Start Where We're at Assessment

MW for Leaders – Let’s Start Where We’re At Assessment

This assessment is designed to serve two purposes:

  1. To provide an opportunity for you to bring into focus how you currently experience the conditions of your day-to-day working life.
  2. To ensure that content and processes for the Mindful Works for Leaders program meets your needs and the needs of your team.

The value of the assessment depends on your willingness to be honest with yourself. The questions are not about who or how you would like to be, or be seen to be, but how your know yourself to be now.

Your responses will be treated as strictly confidential

Allow 20–30 minutes to complete.

Don’t overthink it. There is no ‘right’ answer. There’s just what’s true for you at this time.

On submission of your completed assessment you will receive a copy of your responses for your records and reflection. These will form the foundation for your bonus one-on-one confidential conversation with Dr Sharn Rocco.

Mindful Works for Leaders is informed by and the publications and programs derived from the research of Brene Brown. The assessment includes a link to Brene Brown’s Daring Leadership Assessment.

The following questions are about your relationship with, and the impact of, the demands of your workload. Please rate on a scale of 1– 5 how often the experiences listed below ring true for you.

1 = Always, 2 = Often, 3 = About 50/50, 4 = Rarely, 5 = Never

How to interpret your Personal Practice PP score:

< 40 Indicates that you are at risk of burnout and in need of adjusting priorities, and establishing routines and boundaries that better serve your personal wellbeing and relationships. Counselling, coaching or mentoring will be a valuable support for much-needed change.

Please answer on a scale of 1–7 the following questions about the culture, practices and expectations of your team.

1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Slightly Disagree, 4 = Neither Agree nor Disagree, 5 = Slighty Agree, 6 = Agree, 7 = Strongly Agree

< 21 Psychological safety is low
> 30 Psychological safety and potential for innovation is high

< 21 Intellectual honesty feels risky
> 30 Intellectual honesty feels energising and respected

Interpreting your overall score

PWR < 45, PS < 21, IH < 21 = Distressed Culture

PWR < 45, PS < 21, IH > 30 – Anxious Culture

PWR 45, PS > 30, IH < 21 = Comfortable Culture

PWR > 45, PS > 30, IH > 30 = Innovative Culture

All other combinations = Neutral Culture

Thank you for your honesty.

Click ‘Submit’ to confirm your registration and a link to book your one-on-one bonus consultation with Sharn will be on its way to your inbox.

Optional: Click here to access The Daring Leadership Assessment opens a new window.

If you answered YES to the question above, please bring a copy of your responses and the results of your Daring Leadership Assessment to your bonus one-on-one consultation.