A woman practises meditation for mindfulness at work

Welcome to Bringing Mindfulness to Life at Work

You are about to embark on an interactive learning journey with Dr Sharn Rocco. This is an inward journey of discovery that will transform your relationship with yourself and your work.

You will learn mindfulness-based techniques for:

  • Recognising habits that no-longer serve you well
  • Reducing stress, distraction and procrastination
  • Improving focus, confidence and communication
  • Bringing calm and clarity to workday demands and routines

Your learning journey is supported by:

  • Five weekly workshops facilitated ‘live’ via Zoom online meeting room.
  • A comprehensive course handbook
  • Guided practice recordings

To get started, simply click on this button and contact Sharn to book your course:

Once you have completed and submitted the registration form you will receive a confirmation email sent to the email address that you provide in the form.

Be sure to check your confirmation email for:

  • A link to your Zoom workshop room
  • Your first instalment of the course handbook

Congratulations on taking the first steps towards bringing mindfulness to life at work.